Long term free exposure for Events is available on the various Mid-Atlantic DanceNet Website Calendars.
However, You may purchase long-term "Standing Ads" on the Mid-Atlantic DanceNews or take advantage of
the Free DanceNews eMail Updates (over 4000 subscribers) starting the week before your event.
The free DanceNews Postings WILL BE EDITED for excessive space and inclusion of contact data.
Generally, one time or infrequently scheduled DANCE PARTY, Classes, Workshop Events are posted on the Mid-Atlantic DanceNews eMail Updates. .
Regular, Recurring Events as well as Special Events, Classes, Work Shops may be posted on one of Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's
WEBSITE Calendars which
have their own direct post submission forms
Please submit only after you have edited your entry. Users cannot edit after submission.
Contact Name/eMail |
Your Name |
Your eMail Address: Post the Event eMail address below |
This menu set instructs the server to sort in
date order and is required |
Event Start: |
Event End: |
Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Partner BB Affiliates
Event Contact Points:
Event Web Site, (url): |
When the http:// preface is used, it will often make the link clikable from local eMail apps
Event FaceBook Page (actual link): |
Please enter the FaceBook Page Link here. Enter none if there isn't a FaceBook Page
You REALLY MUST type or paste the https:// before the www making the FaceBook link clickable on the DanceNet Calendar |
Event Date and Title |
Enter the Special Event Date and Title in these Fields
date and title example: April 30 - Washington International Standard Ballroom Night at Some Dance Studio
OR: March 25-28, Washington Latin Studio Workshops with Retired Ex-Champions at Some Venue
Event Description |
limited to 1000 characters:
The Event Description to be posted on the Mid-Atlantic DanceNews should be brief, essential data and very much to the point. |
The Event Description
is intended to be a brief announcement, bare facts with sources for all
the details, menus, directions, bio's dance figure details, class syllabus, music history, etc. which belong on the Event website and are likely to be deleted anyway.
Characters Remaining
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Just click ONCE It REALLY only needs ONE click.
Venues/Coaches should Check opportunities for Free Listings on Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Web Pages |